I wish a new year,
to all the world;
In which people of all colours of skin
Walk for peace together
And compose for peace
Draw for peace
Eyes of all colours
Look at peace
That reflect the passion for peace
That add meaning to the love for peace
That exalt the hearts
And make hearts pound violently
In the eternity of creativity
Where utopias abound
Where free thinking roams
Where the joy of meetings is experienced
Where our children, students and youth
Are not disturbed
By carrying the events lived in the past of different nations
With the ambition of money, prize, position, fame, and power
to the present
Where their mental health is kept intact
Where people live hand in hand in the same fields
They continue to contribute to the richness of each other
With their different cultures, colours
Traditions and customs
In the lands where we live
Where everybody is majority, and is equal,
Where differences are valuable
Where change is created,
Through education, science, art,
And quality,
Where children laugh
Where children have books and notebooks
Where they have the possibilities to take photos of life
In the world of experiences, dreams and imagination
I wish a wonderful year
Which is happy, healthy, joyful, and passionate,
And full of creativity
and a meaningful life…
Graphics Design Trainer
tcellek@yildiz.edu.tr, ttcellek@gmail.com