Where white, yellow, red, dark, black
All skins
Walk hand in hand the same path for peace,
And sign for peace...
Where hazel, black, blue, green, brown,
Pansy eyes
Shine for peace
Peace brings joy
and adds love to its meaning,
Warms the hearts,
and excites the hearts,
Where freedom of thought
is celebrated with joy,
and experienced in squares hand in hand
and continued to enrich
all people…
Where people know
that those who aim to change the world
first they should change themselves
Where nations are not abused
for personal accounts or interests,
No justice is established to others
by weapons,
But provided through education, science and art,
Where those who teach democracy to everyone
challenge the war and lament those
killed in the war,
Where children laugh,
and they can find paper to draw and write on,
they can read books that can improve their imagination,
and they possess musical instruments with strings and keys
and cameras and video cameras
so that they can transfer
what they see and feel
Not weapons,
Where people contribute to the happiness of the youth,
Differences are evaluated,
and where everybody is happy
in all these experiences,
Healthy, fun, with a lot of reading, laughters and love,
I wish a wonderful world…
Good bye, stay well…
As I love children, flowers, books,
and peace,
and I hate war
this is the reason for my outcry…
Graphics Design Trainer
tcellek@yildiz.edu.tr, ttcellek@gmail.com